If This Is Peace Then What Can War Be Like?rnThe Palestinian has had so much peace over the years they rnnow give war a chance.rnrnPeace has brought 6,000 Palestinian deaths in 15 years.rnrnPeace has brought a 16-year blockade of Gaza in which rnthis prison camp, measuring 41 km by 12 km, 6 km at itsrnnarrowest, and holding 2.3 million of mostly impoverishedrnpeople, has seen them being constantly attacked by thernIsraeli Defence Forces, said to be the strongest, best equippedrnarmy in the Middle East. How often have we seen mothers rnand babies, grey from the dust of the debris, been pulled deadrnfrom the rubble, on our TV screens?rnrnPeace has brought 4,500 adult Palestinian prisoners to Israelirnprisons, plus 147 Palestinian children, during 2023.rnrnPeace has brought constant settler attacks on Palestiniansrnliving in the West Bank. During 2022, 100 Palestinians werernkilled. There is no total so far for 2023: but they are murderedrnin dribs and drabs as settlers take pot-shots at them in theirrnparanoia. rnrnPeace has seen settlers seize 25,000 acres of land from thernPalestinian back in 2019, through 1,250 military orders by thernState of Israel. Another 4,700 acres were seized in 2022-2023. rnOlive groves, there for centuries, have been bulldozed in orderrnto build houses. The final humiliation is that the unemployedrnPalestinian builds them.rnrnPeace has brought the biblical renaming of the West Bank by thernsettlers as Judea and Samaria, ready for the eventual ethnic rncleansing of the Palestinian. rnrnPeace has brought the desire, by Palestinian resistance fightersrnof obtaining shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to bring downrnthe peaceful US-supplied fighter bombers attacking Gaza.rnrnPeace has brought the West Bank Palestinians being ghettoisedrnas their villages, towns and city are isolated as the IDF close thernroads.rnrnPeace has seen Mahmoud Abbas, seemingly eternal president ofrnthe Palestinian West Bank, hoover-up up most of the EU and USrnfunding, while the IDF and settlers kill his people.rnrnWilson John Haire. 12th October, 2023rnrnrn rnrnrnrn |