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Eoghan Ruadh Ó Súilleabháín

Eoghan Ruadh Ó Súilleabháín
1748 – 1784
Is Fíor Trím Aisling
Ós Follus Do’n Chléir
[Two Songs on Poet and Priest]
Part 1
Pat Muldowney
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Is Fíor Trím Aisling Page 3
Eoghan’s Encounter with the Goddess Clíona Page 4
The Rivers of Ireland and All Ireland in Mourning Page 8
Eoghan’s Emotional Breakdown Page 9
True Taoiseach Page 10
Learning & Education Page 11
Christian Pastor Page 12
Guide of the Éigse & Court of Poetry Page 14
Mná Sí Page 15
Noble Ancestors Page 17
Summary Page 18
Immediate Family Page 20
Eoghan’s Philosophic Resignation Page 21
Prayers & Devotions for the Dead Page 21
Epitaph Page 22
Ós Follus Do’n Chléir Page 23
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Iarghnó ar bhás an Athar Conchubhar Ua hArgáin
.i. sagart
Búidh-bhriathrach beath-mhúinte
Cráibhtheach caomhach coisruighthe
Diadha déirceach deagh-shomplach
Fáthach fiosrach fíor-eolach
Grianach greidhineach glémhianach
Líomhtha léigheanta lán-taidhbhseach
Measardha méinneamhail mór-chroidheach
Niata nósfar neamh-iomarcach
Planndamhail páirteach príomh-lóideach
Ríoghdha ráthmhar réim-díreach reimh
Soilbhir síothchánta
Truathach tréitheamhail
Noch d’éag i nDomhnach Mór
An t-aonmhadh lá déag ós cionn 20 do Ianuair 1773.
A lament on the death of Father Con Horgan, i.e. a priest who was sweet-spoken, well-educated, pious, kindly, blessed, devout, almsgiving, good example-giving, philosophic, knowledgable, truly well-informed, bright, jolly, pure-countenanced, polished, learned, fully magnificent, temperate, highminded, great-hearted, neat, well-mannered, humble, witty, affectionate, kingly, prolific, of just sway, mild, pleasant, peacable, princely, accomplished, of great substance, who died in Donoughmore 20 January 1773.
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A: Eoghan’s Encounter with the Goddess Clíona
Is fíor trím aisling gur feasadh aréir dham
Nidh chuir sealad mé ar mearbhal céille
Gur theasc an bhás, gan spás le Gaedhealaibh
Polla is flaith do shleachtaibh Éibhir
Bíodhgaim suas, monuar, níor léir dam
Cia an seabhac do thuit tré nimh ’na shlaoda
Gur chlos i ngleann cois abhann im thaobh-sa
Caoin mná go cráidhte ’na haonar.
Is éascaidh ritheas gan earradh, gan éadach
Fá dhéin an ghuil dar liom ba fhraochda
Do dhearcas sídh-bhean íoghmhar aordha
Ar bhruach na Laoi is í ag caoi na mbraonta.
A basa sá sníomh , is dlaoithe a céibhe
Dá stathadh aici anuas go buan dá bhpréamhaibh
Tuile deor tar fóir dá dtaoscadh
Osnadh is áladh ar lár a chléibhe.
1. Truly in my vision was manifested to me last night/ something that for a while drove me out of my senses / that death cut down without reprieve, with darts / the stalwart and hero descended from Éibhear.
2. I sit up of a sudden, alas! it was not clear to me/ who was the hero who fell through poison in a heap / until I heard in a valley by a river near me / the keening cry of a woman, tormented, alone.
3. Swiftly I ran without a stich, without clothes / towards the crying that I thought was intense / I saw a distressed banshee of the spirit world / on the banks of the Lee and she in floods of tears.
4. Wringing her hands, and locks of her hair/ tearing by the roots, in a frenzy / floods of tears streaming without limit / sighs and wounding to the heart of her breast.
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Ba ghreannta a gnaoi, ba mhíonla a héadan
Ba gheárr a braoithe suidhte ar réalt-dhearc
Ba lonnrach lile tré luisne na gcaora
Ag caismirt ’na gruadh, is gan luadh cia ghéillfeadh.
Do thóg a ceann cér canntlach céasta,
Is d’amhairc mise bí ag druidim ’s ag téarnamh
Fá n-a dáil an tráth soin, ’s d’éirighidh
Is measann gluaiseacht uaim faoi néaltaibh.
Gur fhiafruigheas di, do ghuth mar fhéadas
Fáth a cumadh is cúis a géar-ghuil
D’fhreagair dúinn go búch le séimhe:
“Is follas gur duine thú ar uireasbaidh céille,
“An tráth nách feas duit leagadh an phéarla
Ón bhFrainnc thug clú go triúchaibh Éireann
Conchubhar Ua hArgáin, sagart grádhach béasach
Do chailleadh anocht, ciodh docht an méala.”
5. Her countenance was well-formed, her face was gentle / her brows were fine, in place over bright eyes / The lily was resplendent through the flame of the berries / in contest in her cheek, and it was hard to tell which one would surrender.
6. She raised her head, though it was sorrowful and tormented / and she spied me in motion and drawing near / to her company at that time, and she arose / and considers evading me in the fog.
7. Until I questioned her in words I could command / the reason for her grief and the cause of her severe weeping / She answered me freely in kindness / “It is clear you are a person who lacks sense,
8. “That at this time you do not know that was laid low, the pearl / from France who brought fame to the lands of Ireland / Con Horgan, a kindly, civil priest / who died tonight, though hard the loss.”
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Fochtaim a hainm go tapaidh don réilteann;
Mise Clíodhna, ar sí, ón Léith-Chraig.
Cráidheacht chughatsa, adubhart, a mhéirligh –
Créad ná stracaim thú id bhallaibh ó chéile.
An tráth i n-ar fhuilingis ursa na cléire
Is comhairle dín na diadhachta naomhtha
Bhí i réim ’s i ngradam fá thearmann tréimhse
Do leagadh gan maidhm is feidhm-cath laochradh?
Adubhairt an ainnir, dom fhreagairt, led shaor-chead
Coisc dom ghearradh go n-aithrisfead scéal duit
Is, d’éis mo thuarais, má thuigir gur daor mé
I Déan do thoil is stroill mo ghéaga.
An tan do buaileadh cuan na feile
Do chorruig do bhíodhg, do líon-rith mé ann
Níor fhágas bruidheann ná sídh-lios aerach
Ráth ná beanna ó Ghaillimh go Béara
9. I swiftly requested her name of the beauty / “I am Clíodhna, said she, from Carraig Liath” / “Torment to you, said I, you harlot / why should I not tear you limb from limb?
10. “The hour that you should permit the stalwart of the clerics / the guard of holy divinity / who had status and esteem and patronage for a time / to be killed without warlike outburst or stout battle.”
11. The maiden said in reply to me: “By your leave / desist from attacking me until I tell you a tale / and, after my effort, if you believe I am a villain / do your will and rend my limbs.
12. “When the refuge of hospitality was stricken / my heart stirred, aroused, beat swiftly / there was not a fairy palace or ghostly fairy fort / a rath or pinnacle between Galway and Beara,
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Nár thugas cuaird is luath-thuras éadtrom
Síth go ráthmhar, is amus go héascaidh
Is sluagh gach beanna fá a n-armaibh taobh liom
I gcomhair cabhartha ó dheartaibh an éaga.
Níor stadas dom ráig go dtáinig naomh-ghuth
Chugham trím scím le díograis scéalta
Nár bh’fuiláir dó freagairt go flaitheas dá chéile
Is gur ghéarr Atropos snáith a shaoghail.
Iar gclos dúinn go dtainig dát a laetha
Is go ndéarna Clíodhna a dícheall saothair air
D’éis maithimh don bháb, ár ngáir le chéile
Do chuir a thásc tré Chlár Luirc Éibhir.
13. “Which I did not attend with light, speedy visit / in graceful swoop and speedy descent / and the host of every hill in arms beside me / in company to rescue him from the darts of death;
14. “I did not desist from my rampage until I heard a heavenly voice / in a vision, with urgent news / that he was compelled to answer to his heavenly guardian / and that Atropos severed the thread of his life.”
15. When I heard that his allotted time had arrived / and that Clíodhna had done her utmost to save him / after I had forgiven the lady, our cries together / proclaimed his death throughout Ireland.
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B: The Rivers of Ireland and All Ireland in Mourning
Uaill is gáir is crádh-ghol éagnach
Is gruaim is glám is lán-tocht éighmhe
Greadadh bas is stracadh céibhe
Brón is caoi go cíocrach céasta.
Do mhaitheadh spás ón Mháig go Léith-chloich
Is ón Laoi ghil go himeal Léan-loch
An bocht ’s an nocht go docht ’san mhéala
Tré threascadh an bhile ceann urraidh na cléire.
Tá glór is grásta i gClár Luirc Éibhir
Caoi na mbruinneall sioscaidhthe séimhe
Lachach doilbh is golairt ban aosta
I ndiaidh an fhlatha do teaschadh go déidheanach.
16. Wailing and screaming and distressful, bitter crying / grief and cursing and full fit of groaning / beating of hands and tearing of hair / sorrow and weeping, earnestly, in torment.
17. Extending for a time from the Maigue to Cloch Liath / and from the bright Lee to the banks of Lough Leane / the poor and the naked firmly in grief / because of the cutting down of the great man, the leader of the clergy.
18. There are shouting and screaming in Ireland of Éibhear / the keening of the choicest tender ladies / melancholy groaning and weeping of old women / for this gentleman lately cut down.
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Níor bh’ionadh liom an tSiuir dá ngéimfeadh
Abhainn Dá Luadh ’s an Chuanach chraosach
An Fhéil ’s an Bhrighid ’s an Fhuinnseann fhéarmhar
Is gleann Abhann Bige dá gcluainim tar aon-tsruth.
Caoi na mban is greadadh na gcéad-fhear
Uaill-ghuth báb i ngearán ’s i ngéar-ghol
Níor lacht mo dhreac, ciodh feacht gur déarach
Doilbh duairc do chuaidh an scéal dam.
19. It would be no surprise to me that the river Suir cried out / the river Dallow and the fierce Cuanach / the Feale, the Bride and the grassy Fuinseann / and the valley of the Awbeg, I hear as one stream.
20 The keening of women and the handwringing of hundreds of men / the wailing voice of girls lamenting and bitterly weeping / my eyes did not shed liquid, though indeed tearful / gloomy melancholy the news to me.
C: Eoghan’s Emotional Breakdown
Do chuala caoi-scread caointeach céasta
Cathach cráidhte cásmhar fraochda
Na mná na leanbh do dhalta na hÉireann
Thug sugh a brollaigh gan choigilt ’s a saor-lacht
Iar gclos na ngártha ngáibhtheach géar-ghuil
Coitcheann, le fíoch, ón dtír go chéile
Tig saor-sruth caoi-ghuil síos lem chaomh-dhreac
Cnead is osnadh go sochair im thaoibh dheis.
21. I heard the screeching keening grievous / sorrowful, tormented, piteous, furious / of the woman who gave to the foster-child of the muses / the juice of her breast as unrestrained freely-flowing liquid.
22. On hearing the piteous cries of keen weeping / widespread, with ferocity, from one land to the next / a free stream of lamenting tears fell from my sad eyes / groaning and sighing fixed in my right side.
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D: Fr. Con -True Taoiseach
I ndiaidh an bhile ba chomairc dá thréadaibh
Comhairle chaoin dá ndíon ar faolchoin
I gcéill ba chosmhail le Solamh gan séanadh
Is gach téics dá gcanadh dá tharraing ar Naomh-script.
Bláth-ghas buidheanmhar bríoghmhar béasach
Carthannach cáilmhear cráibhtheach caomhna
Duineata diadha dian-cheart déarcach
Flaitheamhail fáilteach fálach féastach.
Grian-fhlaith gaoiseach gníomh-ghlan Gaedhealach
Lasamhail lonnrach leomhanta léidmheach
Measardha míonla mín-tais maordha
Neartmhar i ngníomharthaibh naoidheanta naomhtha.
Plannda oirdheirc, polla ’gus péarla
Ráthmhar i riaghail, rianach, réim-cheart
Soinneanda stuamdha suaimhneach séimh-dhreach
Taithneamhac triathach siansach teicseach.
23. For the knight who was safeguard of his flocks / with tranquil counsel protecting them from wolves / in wisdom there is no denying he was like Solomon / and every text he recited was drawn from Holy Scripture.
24. A blossoming scion, sociable, lively, cultured / charitable, of good repute, pious, companionable / humane, devout, strictly just, alms-giving / generous, welcoming, protective, feast-giving.
25. Sun-prince, talented, of pure deeds, Irish / brilliant, resplendent, lion-like, valiant / temperate, mild, tender, dignified / strong in innocent, holy acts.
26. A noble scion, a champion and pearl / prosperous in rule, influential, in true order / serene, wise, calm, of peaceful countenance / amiable, of good qualities, good-humoured, fond of texts.
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E: Fr. Con’s Learning & Education
Réilteann solais, is eochair na ndaor-cheist
Céir na n-ollamh, is tobar na héifeacht
Féinics forusta, soitheamh gan saobhadh
Déas gan choigilt, is polla gan staonadh.
Ré gan daoilcheas teimheal ná éiclips
Riaghluidhe cáidh i gcásaibh léigheanta
Scéaluidhe suairc is suadh nár aontuigh
Céim tar ceart ná samhail chlaonta
Saoi do mheabhruigh eagar is éifeacht
Eagnadh is iul i bpúnncaibh dreachta
Laidin is diadachta, Gaedhilge is daonnacht
Cneastacht le cuimhne is mílseacht Béarla.
27. A star of illumination, and the key of difficult problems / most excellent of savants, and the well of good sense / a paragon of basic knowledge, persistent in calmness / a man not stingy, an unchanging stalwart.
28. Illumination without darkness, blemish or eclipse / a noble arbiter in learned issues / a jolly storyteller and an expert who never condoned / a wrong turning or a false comparison.
29. A learned person who ponders order and sense / wisdom and knowledge in points of verse / Latin and divinity, Irish and humanity / kindness to remember and sweetness of English.
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F: Fr. Con - Christian Pastor
Flaith do bhocht do choisceadh geibheann
Scaoilteoir ceasa do lagaibh le daonnacht
Órdaidhe diadha liaigh na ndaor-chnead
Is diadhaire daingean an anama ar dhaor-bhruid.
Easna don cheap nár mheath a phréamha
Géag do bhile tá bileamhail craobh-ghlas
Plannda caoin don fhíodh nár chlaochluigh
Duille ná dreach gur gearradh a shaoghal.
Rós gan teimheal is ursa na cléire
Grian gan smúit ná dubhchan éiclips
Réilteann eolais óg is aosta
Is naomh mar Eoin i gclódh ’s i gcéimibh.
30. A decent man to the poor, who would put a stop to distress / reliever of hardship with humanity to the weak / a holy ordained person, healer of severe cases / and strong pastor of souls in dire difficulty.
31. A timber of the block that did not decay from its roots / a branch of the tree that is tree-like and greenbranched / a gentle sapling of the forest who did not a change / a leaf or an aspect until the ending of his life.
32. A rose without blemish and the defender of the clergy / a sun without cloud nor darkening of eclipse / a star of knowledge to young and old / and a saint like John in form and degree.
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Tobar gan trághadh bhí lán do dhaonnacht
Peadar i ngníomh is Maois i dtréithibh
Níl acht cumha i dtriúchaibh Éibhir
Ó teascadh go hóg é i bhflós a shaoghail.
Taca mar Phól ba chomhairleach tréada
Mar Naomh Lúc do scrúdadh na naomh-téics
Mar Eoin do bhaist an Mac do céasadh
Nó mar Phádraig, fáith na hÉireann.
Comairce an chreidimh an chreidimh gon teibeadh do shaothruigh
Eochair na bhflaitheas ón Arad-Mhac éachtach
Taca mar Philib ba thuigseanach téasca
Is do chaill a theanga tre theagsc na naoimh-cheacht
33. A well never empty who was full of humanity / a Peter in deeds and a Moses in qualities / there is nothing but grief in the lands of Éibhear / since he was cut off in his youth, in the flowering of his life.
36. A support like Paul in counselling his flock / like John who baptised the Son who was crucified / like Saint Luke in examining holy scripture / or like Patrick, prophet of Ireland.
37. Protection of the faith who sought ceaselessly / the key of heaven from the almighty noble Son / a support like Philip who was understanding of scripture /and who lost his tongue from dint of teaching the holy gospel.
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G: Fr. Con – Guide of the Éigse & Court of Poetry
Ughdar ársa i gcás nár aosuigh
Tré iomarca tuigsiona i dtuisibh na héigse
Seanchuidhe suairc is suadh na saor-bheart
Is ceap-rí cáidh do dhámhaibh dréachta.
Tuigseach dáin tar bhárdaibh dhaor-cheist
Dá fheabhas le faghbháil i n-áitreabh Fhéidhlim
Do chuireadh le slacht ’na gceart gach Gaedheal-treabh
I mBanba ghluais anuas ó Éibhear.
Flaith gan mheang gan cham gan chlaontacht
Gan ghangaid gan phuimp gan teimheal ná éalaing
Acht modhamh mhín is mílseacht bréithre
Féile shíor is aoidheacht gan éaradh.
Níor bh’ionadh an líog ag maoidheamh le géim-ghuth
A haiteas ’s a gean tré shearc go scléipeach
Ó thaisceadh fúithe, cúis mo dhéara
An cholann ’na raibh gach maith dár léigheas-sa.
38. A veteran author who was not made senile by the difficulty / of poetic measures overladen with meaning / a jolly storyteller and creator of great works /and noble chief of poetic academies.
39. Interpreter of poems, greater than rigorously correct bards / the best to be found in the habitation of Feidhlim / who would add to the true elegance of every Gaelic tribe / in Ireland, descended from Éibhear.
40. A noble man without deceit or crookedness or treacherous deed / without spite, without arrogance, without blemish or flaw / but gentle modesty and sweetness of speech / true generosity and hospitality without refusal.
41. No wonder the headstone was declaring in bellowing voice / her pleasure and affection through love ostentatious / since deposited beneath her, cause of my tears / the corpse which contained evey virtue that I have recited.
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H: Mná Sí
Níl báb ghlan-ghrúadhach ná cuairsce aerach
I gcill, i gcarcair, i gcathair, ná i maol-lios
Ó chuan Fionn-trágha go tráigh Locha Éirne
Nach clos a ngáir ’s a ngláimh ’san éacht so.
Do scread Badhb gan mheidhir san Léith-chloic
Do mhúscail suas gach buadach-bhean aerdha
Ar gcloistin gháir a crádh-ghuil éignigh
Do dhruideas spás i ndáil na béithe.
D’fhiosruigheas, is í ag sileadh déara
Cár ghaibh suim ban chaointe Éireann?
D’fhreagair dam go doilbh fraochda
Tá an t-éacht ró obainn le cloistin, cíodh méala.
Níor bh’fada dúinn fá smúit ’n-ar n-aonar
Gur gháir scaoth go caointeach taobh linn –
Aoibhill Craige ’s a scata ban aosta
Madhlion Eala is ceann beanna-chnuic Gréine.
42. There is not a pure-countenanced girl or wraith / in a churchyard, a prison, a stone fort or an unprotected fort / from Ventry harbour to the shores of Lough Erne / that did not hear her cry and lament for this sorrowful event.
43. Badhbh shrieked without happiness in Cloch Liath / Every triumphant fairy-woman was aroused / on hearing her distressful tormented cry / I moved a step closer in the company of the lady.
44. I asked her, as she wept tears / “Where is the company of the keening women of Ireland?” / She answered me in fierce grief / “This event is too sudden (for them) to hear of it, alas!”
45. We were not too long alone in our grief / until a flock cried out in lamentation near us / Aoibheall of Carraig (Liath) and her host of fairy women / Madhlion of Ealla and the summit of the peaked hill of Gréine (??).
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Bainríoghan bruidhne Caroibhe an éirligh
Bean sidhe sinsear clainn Mhic Shéamais
Mis inghean Dáire, Gráinne is céile
Curanta calma, cailleadh le claon-bheart.
A n-áireamh súd dar liom ní fhéadfainn
Acht tháinigh chugainn gach bruinneall baoth-ghein
Ó thaobh Chnuic Loinge go himealaibh Béara
Ag caoineadh an tsagairt bhí geanmnach tréitheach.
Ag lachtadh a ndearc i bhfarradh a chéile
Go pras ag caoi ’s ag sníomh a gcaol-bhas
Iad-san uile ‘gus mhise ’san méala
Tré bhás Chonchubhair chruthamhail léigheanta.
46. The battle-queen of the Branch given to slaughter / the banshee of the ancestors of the clan of Mac Shéamais / Mis, the daughter of Dáire, Gráinne and the wife / of the brave warrior, who died through treachery.
47. To count them all I believe I could not / but every tenderly fashioned lady came to us / from the sides of Knocklong to the coasts of Beara / lamenting for the priest who was chaste and virtuous.
48. Wth eyes liquefying in each others company / weeping copiously and wringing their graceful hands / all of them, and I, in grief / because of the death of creative, learned Conchubhar.
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I: Fr. Con’s Noble Ancestors
Beartaid lucht eoluis fós is léighte
Réime ríomhtha, ríoghradh is réacsa
Gur eascair an fhlaith de cheap na Seasar
Do riaghluigh sealad i dTeamhair na dtréan-fhear.
I dtaoibh a ghaolta, a n-áireamh ní dhéanfad
Ciodh gur síor-scoth taoiseach saor é
Is flatha ba ghnáthach tráthach tréitheach
Bronntach bríoghmhar fíontach féastach.
Oscailt do ghnáth roimh dáimh is éigse
Taisteal bárd is táirdíol cléire
Cistin lucht siubhail is cú na n-éagnach
Is cabhair na mbaintreabhach bhfeidhn-lag céasta.
49. They reckon, persons of knowledge, and also of learning, calculating dynasties, lineage and kingships / that this noblemen descended from the ancestry of the Caesars / who once ruled in Tara of the valiant men.
50. Regarding his kinsmen, I will not recount them / though he is of the truly choicest of noble chieftains / and gentlemen who followed custom, who were protective, of good quality / generous, vigorous, plentiful of wine, feast-giving.
51. Customarily open to scholars and poets / travelling bards and visiting clergy / the kitchen of vagrants, and the hound of the miserable / and the saviour of tormented, helpless widows.
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An gabhal fine ór geineadh an glé-ghas
Meanmnach múirneach múinte méinneach
Croidhe glan ceannsa cabharthach céimeach
Líonta ’ghreann gan leamhas ’na bhréithribh;
Eoluidhe eagnach eachrach éideach
Prionnsa sámh na bhfaidhe bhféastach
Treoruidhe cuimseach, croidhe na féile
Is dochtúir díodhachta i ngníomh ’s i n-éifeacht;
Fiannuidhe forusta foistineach faobhar-neart
Grian-ráib shoilbhir shocharach shéadach
Dalta na ríobh ó fhíoradh an réidh-chnuic
Do hoileadh go húr i bponncaibh naomhtha.
52. The family tree from which was descended the bright scion / spirited, amiable, educated, of fair mien / of pure heart, beloved, helpful, dignified / full of humour and levity in his sayings.
54. A learned guide, knowledgeable of horses, well-clothed / tranquil prince of festive experts / competent guide, hear of generosity / and a doctor of divinity in actions and in effect;
55. Solid, serious, well-armed warrior / happy, wealthy, bright-scion, abounding in jewels / pupil of the muses in the settlement of (linguistic) difficulties / trained as a young man in points of divinity.
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J: Summary
Úr-ghas óg, gan feodh ná staonadh
Biadhtach fairsing na ndealbh do réidhteach
Bleachtaidhe buadhach ar dhuanaibh éifeacht
Is nósaidhe ceart ar reachtaibh cléire.
Ceann banna na sluagh is cuan a saortha
Re seanmóir chaoin, mílseacht bhréigthre
Le sompla thabhairt tré rún dá thréada
Is re sna beartaibh lean aspail Aonmhic.
Dá mb’eol dam laoidhthe a ríomhadh le héifeacht
Damhna cathach, nó marbhna céasta
Trian a ghníomh ná suim a thréite
Do ghrian-chur síos go cruinn ní fhéadfainn.
56. Young, noble scion, not in decline or cessation / generous provider who gave succour to the poor / eminent supporter of (those who compose) poems of substance / and a true guide to the laws of the clergy.
57. Leader of multitude and their saving resort / by gentle discourses, by sweetness of words / for giving example in confidence to his congregations / and by his deeds which adhered to the apostles of the Only Son.
58. If I knew how to compose powerful verses / a poem of lamentation or tormented elegy / (Not so much as) a third of his deeds or of all his qualities / would I be unable to clearly and accurately express.
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K: Fr. Con’s Immediate Family
Is truagh a athair go foirbhthe aosta
Díombáidheach diachrach dian ’sa mhéala
Lacht a rosc le tocht dá thaoscadh
Tré fheochadh an ubhaill ba chlú dá phréamh-stoc.
Dar Duach, is abhar cáis le héistracht
Uaill a mháthar atá gan éiféacht
Gan mheabhair, gan chiall, ’na dhiaidh go céasta
Is níor bh’ionadh linn-ne dá sileadh ’na braontaibh.
Tá bráithre ag screadaigh ar mearbhall céille
Gan tábhacht ná suim i maoin ná saoghaltacht
An bháb do bhí aige ós cionn tighe fé chion
’Na collainn gan cheann go canntalacht céasta.
Ní hiongnadh liom fá phúdair a ghaolta
Is go follas fá shubh-bhrat cúmhadh na céadta
Is gan comhgas aca le ceachtar dá ghaolta
Acht tré n-a theist nár theip ón bhféile.
59. The weeping of his aged, feeble father is pitiful/ In grief, bereft, sorrowful, vehement / the liquid of his eyes flowing in floods / because of the withering of the apple who was the pride of his kin.
60. By Jove, it is a cause of lamentation to hear the wailing of his mother, who is stricken, out of her mind, without sense for the loss of him, tormented. And, no wonder to us that she is weeping great drops.
61. Brothers are screaming, out of their minds / without regard or interest in wealth or worldliness / The well-regarded lady who was in charge of his household / is a headless body, sad and miserable.
62. It is no surprise to me that his kinfolk are bereft / and hundreds clearly under a black pall of grief / though unrelated to either of his parents / because of his unfailingly hospitable character.
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L: Eoghan’s Philosophic Resignation
Is é deireadh gach smúite dúire a thréigean
Is ó cuireadh mo pheann nach teann chum saothair
Gur folamh mo cheann ó ogham dréachta
Is gan eagar ná umhail ionnam ná éifeacht.
Is gur sladaidhe an bás atá i ndán dár dtéarnamh
Ó geineadh Ádam ársa is Ébha
Níl agam acht guidhe le hinntinn eagnaigh
Chun aingil is naoimh bheith síor dá aodhaireacht.
63. The end of every cloud is the abandonment of melancholy / and since my feeble pen was put to work / my head is devoid of the letters of verses / and there is no order or expression or purpose in me.
64. Death is the thief that is the destiny of all who survive / of the progeny of Adam and Eve / I can only pray with plaintive intent / to angels and saints to be ever-watchful of him
M: Prayers & Devotions for the Dead
Is athchuinge chur, tré nimh a chéasta
Chun Éin-Mhic Mhuire fuair iomaraca péine
Anam an diadhaire dhiadha shéimh seo
Do ghlacadh go humhal ’na chúirt gan éaradh.
Scaoilim feasta mo phaidir gan séanadh
Sailm Dáibhí is páis an Éin-Mhic
Fáilte an Aingil is ceachta na Cré anois
Mar ghárda ar a anam go Flaitheas na Naoimh ngeal.
65. And to make entreaty, by the anguish of His passion / to the Only Son of Mary who endured excess of agony / the soul of this gentle, holy divine / to receive in His court without refusal.
66. I despatch also my prayer, not to be denied / the Psalms of David and the Passion of the Only Son / The Angelus and the message of the Creed / as escort for his soul the the Paradise of the holy Saints.
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N: Epitaph
An feart laoidh
Fad chom i dtaisce atá adhbhar cáis suadh,
A líogh
Crobhaire ceannais cáidh blásta buadhach binn
Plannda is leabhar d’fhás do mhaithibh
Ráib uaisle is laoich.
Conchubhar Ua hArgáin,
Sagart sámh suaimhneach síothac.
67. The Epilogue. O gravestone, under your length is the reason for the trouble of fine people / an authoritative, famous, elegant in speech, polished, lofty, sweet-voiced champion / a plant which grew gracefully in the eyes of gentlemen, noble heroes and warriors / Conchubhar Ó hArragáin, priest, benign, tranquil, peaceful
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Ós Follus do’n Chléir
Ós follus do’n chléir gur mé ná tabhrann sógh
Fiestas na féasta, béile, bainis ná póit
Má amharcaim bé, is clé mo theastas gan ghó
’S an aicme do ghéinn, táid saor, má bhreabaid an tÓrd.
A bhile gan chodam, gan chogal, gan chlaon-chéime
A choinneal na n-ollamh, is a eochair na suibhscéalta
Gan teimheal do folcadh i dtobar na Naoi mBéithe
Is deimhin gur follus an donas ar shíol Éibhir.
1. Since it is clear to the clergy that it is I who does not contribute comfort / entertainment or feasting, food, party or liquor / if I see a lady, my reputation is wicked without doubt / and the crowd that does - they’re grand - if they bribe the Church!
2. O hero without blemish, without weeds, without false standards / O candle of the learned, and key to the gospels / without defect, who was bathed in the well of the Nine Muses / certainly it is clear (to you) the harm to the seed of Éibhear.
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Tá síol Éibhir Fhinn fó cheas
Drong do chleacht gaois is oircheas
Saoithe suairce chanadh ceol
Laoithe is duanta deagh-eol.
Do b’eol dam Eaglais charthannach dhaonnachtach
Bhórdach bhainiseach fhreastalach shaor ’na dtigh
N-ar mhór a gceannas ’s a gcaradas d’éigsibh suilt
Is mo bhrón! Tá a malairt ar marthain dá éis againn.
3. The seed of Éibhear Fionn are under affliction / a tribe who practised wisdom and propriety / pleasant sages who would sing music / verses and learned poems.
4. I knew of a charitable humane Church / generous in provisions, festive, provident, honourable in their house / Where great was their affection and friendship to jovial poets / My sorrow! The opposite is living after their passing from us.
Is again dá n-éis atá
Bárr fascnadha gach rilleáin
Díoscar daoithe is fiar gur feadh
Fá éide Chríost, mo dhíombádh.
Is díombáidheach dubhach liom cúrsa sleachta na nGaoidheal
Na buinneain úra chumhduigh Caiseal na Ríogh
Go cionn-árd congantach clúmhamhail calma is d’íoc
Bith-dháimh scrúdta ponncta go rathmhar ’san ríoghacht.
5. We have, after their passing / the chaff of giddy people / a rabble of churls and the flaw is found / in the apparel of Christ, alas.
6. Melancholy, sad to me is the fate of the race of Gaels / the Chiefs (fresh saplings) that built Cashel of the Kings / loftily, helpfully, protectively, bravely, and who rewarded / the everlasting academy that investigated difficult points successfully in the kingdom.
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I ríoghacht ’s i réimeas ríogh Fáíl
Ba ghnáth an chléir i sítheach-páirt
Damhna ollmhain is druadh
Gur iompuigh mádh na míodh-chuard.
Ag cuaird má castarar eagnach gear-fhriotal
Gan bhuar gan rachmas, ós dearbh an chléir mar sin
Stuaire chalice, is go mblaisidh a béal le sult
Sin ruagairt reatha air is eascaine chléire is chluig
Clog ní baoghal ná coinneal-bhádhadh
Madh lán d’ionnmhar is d’éadáil
Do’n daoiste, gan reacht, gan riaghail
Tré ghnáthughadh cléir do bhith-riar
7. In the rule and sway of the Irish kings / the clergy were commonly in peaceful alliance / with poets, learned folk and bards / until the trump turned to ill luck.
8. On his travels if a sage of keen discourse should meet / he without cattle or wealth, as the clergy know very well / a beautiful girl, and if he should taste her lips in joy / he is expelled at a run, with the curse of clergy and bell.
9. Bell, no danger, nor candle quenching / if full of wealth and profit / the clown, lawless, unruly / who is in the habit of constantly entertaining the clergy.
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Ag riar ’s ag freastal ar Eaglais salm-ráidhteach
D’fhíor-stoc fleascach dá gcaitheadh an aicme ó dtánga
Trian a mbeathadh, is go mbainfeadh dham easbaidh fagháltais
’Na ndiaidh is searbh leo m’aiste ciodh blasta táithte.
Táithte it chroidhe nár chogail meang
Crábhadh, caoine is ollamh-ghreann
Tréithe treall nach feas do’n chóip
Ciodh tréan na hamhais ar altóir.
10 Entertaining and serving the psalm-reciting Church / of genuine peasant stock, casting off from themselves the class from which they came? / with a third of their livings, and they would take causing me loss of means / nevertheless bitter to them my poem though well constructed.
11 Firm in your heart that never concealed deceit / are piety, kindness and love of poetry / qualities that are not usually apparent to the multitude / though powerful are the mercenaries on the altar.